The The syrian refugee crisis and the decline in relation to the dignity of the human person: a dialogue with Hannah Arendt


  • Victor de Oliveira Cirino Universidade Federal do Pará



Syrian Refugees, Hannah Arendt, Human Rights


The present work aims to address the Syrian refugee crisis and the basic principles that concern the dignity of the human person, starting not only from the previous analysis, but also after the refugee status. The article seeks to relate the decline that exists between what is present in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the serious threats to these rights, exploring Hannah Arendt's critique of Human Rights, in her book Origins of Totalitarianism, especially in the chapter: " The Decline of the Nation-State and the End of the Rights of Man”. Thus, the research continues to address, initially, the elements that influenced the current state of war in Syria, bringing to the debate, including, the international factors that, in a way, mitigated the problems of the country, as well as, it also brings up , then, the other phase of the refugee process: arrival in the country of destination. The search for a fresh start in life takes Syrians to the most diverse countries in the world, but a large number is found in territories neighboring Syria. In this sense, for the development of the research, the qualitative bibliographic procedure was used, as well as the hypothetical-deductive criterion. In this way, it was possible to consider the serious violation of the rights of the Syrian population, either when they are still in their country of origin, or from the moment they leave their home.


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Author Biography

Victor de Oliveira Cirino, Universidade Federal do Pará

Graduando em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Pará. Foi estagiário de nível médio do Ministério Público do Estado do Pará, em 2017. Foi estagiário do escritório de advocacia Carlos Coelho - Advocacia e Consultoria, entre 2022 e 2023. Atualmente é estagiário do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Pará.

