Motivating factors in the process of outsourcing business activities: a literature review




Competitive advantage, Value chain, Outsourcing


The decisions of strategic business that indicate a posture focused on effectiveness aligned with the creation of customer value, it is stimulated by the involvement of all parts of the company, passing from the primary activities up until the final activities. One of the aspects of the formation of the value chain, refers to outsourcing decisions of activities of this chain. To understand the motivating factors in the process of outsourcing is crucial in establishing strategic objectives. This article aims to build an investigation and analysis from different approaches of authors, on factors and activities that are motivators for the process of externalization. The literature review method, appropriate for discussions for a theoretical and contextual point of view, selecting articles with focus on a study with the topic of externalization, especially studies of brazilian companies that have published in the last 10 years. It checks out that decisions between making or buying are related with formatting of the company with a competitive strategy, of the availability and know-know of the company and suppliers, access to technology, in the cost structure, quality generation, the installed capacity, the gains possibility in scale, and how much the company is focused on core business. These factors could be decisive for choosing the practice of outsourcing processes and activities of the company. The analysis of the findings brought the principal motivators factors to the process of outsourcing production activities, logistics and maintenance in different segments of the economy. Found results converge on motivating factors reduction cost, so much in labor and progress production, qualification of labor, investment in technology, gains in scale and financial performance, in consoantes with the literature addressed.


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Author Biographies

Leonardo da Silva Fernandes, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos

Mestrando em Ciências Contábeis pela Unisinos. Especialista em Controladoria e Finanças pela Unisinos (2018); Bacharel em Administração pela Unisinos (2013); Técnico em Gerenciamento Empresarial pela Universidade QI (2006); Formação em Coaching pelo IBC (2017). Possui certificação profissional CPA-20 pela Anbima (2014); Supervisor bancário; Presta consultoria na área de recrutamento e seleção e atua como Life Coach. 

Lucio Gomes Linck, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos

Possui graduação em Administração de Empresas (2008), com Especialização em Finanças Corporativas pela Unisinos (2011) e Especialização em Controladoria pela UFRGS (2017). Possui artigo publicado em revista internacional e premiação de melhor artigo no congresso APIMEC 2012. Tem experiência na área de Administração em grandes empresas, com ênfase em Administração Financeira e Controladoria.

