Science and marketing: discussing the knowledge produced and the established paradigmatic bases




Marketing, Scientific Production, Scientific Methodologies, Paradigm Bases


According to discussions regarding scientific making and the most commonly used methodologies, also considered as more appropriate in knowledge areas, marketing’s subject studies can be seen. Seeking to understand what kind of knowledge has been produced in this subject, looking for the purpose, areas involved, methodologies used and how this knowledge is being developed. In order to do this, articles on the marketing’s scope that have been accepted and published on RAC journal - Revista de Administração Contemporânea, were read in a five-year period (2014 to 2018). Bearing this in mind, this research shows and stimulates thoughts on the scientific knowledge developed on this area. A bibliographical collection has been made, among that, 28 articles presented different themes on the subject. The articles’ analysis was based on a mixed approach, using both, quantitative (bibliometry) and qualitative elements, in order to comprehend and discuss about marketing’s knowledge based on the critical hermeneutic reflection proposed by Santos (1989). As the main findings on this research, it was identified that most authors work collaborating with others, with few studies developed by only one author. Besides, it seems that there is not a group of authors frequently publishing in this area of the journal. It was also found that there is a studies’ hegemony in the Consumer’s Behavior sub-field and that these studies, on its majority, do not turn to directly impact the life of the people whom they are related, presenting common knowledge results. In despite of discussions regarding the most appropriate methodology, quantitative methods’ hegemony still prevails, this methodology was used on 17 of those articles, which suggests that there may still be preference for quantifiable methods over other more subjective ones. Many of these studies’ findings are geared specifically to the academic field itself, theories’ strengthening, hypotheses and tests. On the other hand, it brings possible results that directly support organizational decisions. It reinforces that the article seeks to contribute to the need’s perception on a scientific knowledge closer to society and a scientific community willing to dialogue, being aware of the importance of other forms of knowledge in order to develop a prudent and emancipatory erudition. Marketing itself, especially with its macromarketing and consumer’s behavior research, has the power to turn knowledge into a bridge to possible improvements in society.


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Author Biographies

Marianny Jessica de Brito Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Professora do Instituto Federal da Paraíba - IFPB. Doutora em Administração pela UFPE, atuando na linha "Gestão Organizacional", no campo temático "Marketing e Comportamento do Consumidor". Participante do grupo de pesquisa ConsuMeering - Engenharia do Consumidor da UFPE. Atua na área de Marketing, principalmente nos seguintes temas: CCT, comportamento do consumidor, consumo colaborativo, sacrifício no consumo, grupos de referência e redes sociais.

Bianca Gabriely Ferreira Silva, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Doutoranda e Mestra em Administração pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Administração (PROPAD-UFPE), Graduada no curso de Administração pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE/CAA). As áreas de interesse são Comportamento do Consumidor, Marketing de Serviços, Empreendedorismo, Turismo e Gestão Sustentável. É pesquisadora do Grupo de Pesquisa "Consumeering", sob a coordenação do Professor Dr. Salomão Alencar de Farias. Foi monitora e Pesquisadora no curso de Administração da UFPE-CAA. Professora e tutora de ensino superior.

