The importance of business consulting in developing strategic planning in small business




Business consulting, Strategic planning, Management


This paper aims to highlight the importance of strategic planning for small businesses (EPP), since they have represented for Brazil, especially in times of crisis, a great potential for social and economic growth, generating jobs and moving the economy. But due to lack of support, many companies have been shut down, because despite having tax incentives, support from city hall and agencies like SEBRAE (Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service), the demand cannot be fully met, due to the large number of companies, requiring the presence of external business consultants who will support companies in their growth. From this perspective, a bibliographic study with a qualitative and quantitative approach was conducted from the perspective of business consulting and Strategic Planning, aiming at the good of small businesses. Having as theoretical basis the authors such as Chiavenato (2009), Oliveira (2014), Zenaro (2014), Conceição (2015) and Gomes et al. (2017). Analyzing the results, most small businesses are managed by a family group, which becomes a direct influence on the company's development regarding the values and related needs between personal and professional, causing conflicts. In this perspective, there is a lack of scientific tools in the management of PPE, causing bankruptcy and organizational imbalance for the company, presenting, in this statement, the strategic planning as a management tool, with the purpose of tracing long and short term metrics and actions, avoiding surprises and planning possible future problems. In this sense, this study is expected to contribute to the debate about the importance of business consulting in the preparation of strategic planning in small companies, given the need to verify the difficulties of small companies in the preparation and implementation of strategic planning, attesting or Not that the main difficulty is the lack of knowledge of managers on how to use it, which usually needs support from outside professionals.


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Author Biographies

Elaine Rodrigues da Mota, Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho

Possui graduação em Administração pelo Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho (2018). Atualmente é Auxiliar Administrativa - D&Z Modas. Tem experiência na área de Administrativa, com ênfase em Planejamento Estratégico, controle de processos, OSM, Administração Pública, Estoque e Financeiro.

Luis Fernando Silva Monteiro, Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho

Experiencia na função de supervisor de setor, orientador de jovens aprendizes, planejamento estratégico, fluxo organizacional , marketing digital e Pesquisador na área de Gestão . Tenho um ótimo conhecimento em pacote Office (Word, Excel e PowerPoint), Corel Draw e noções de Photoshop. 

Vanessa Soares do Nascimento, Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho

Possui graduação em Administração pelo Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho (2018). Atuo como Consultora Empresarial pela TDCA BUSINESS GROUP. 

