Audit and public hospital management: deficit of beds from 2019 to 2021 in the unified health system in Pernambuco.




Bed deficits, Hospital management, ICU, SUS, Complementary health network


The present work will bring an analysis of the governmental measure, which took place in the period from 2015 to 2020, in the State of Pernambuco, where it starts a partnership with the Supplementary Network, with the objective of increasing the number of vacancies in the ICUs in which it aims to allocate the patient in the Health Unit for the Private Network, patients who have a clinical picture of Low Complexity (Severe, but stable patients, where they need a less intense follow-up offered by the Supplementary Network) and also patients with a higher degree of Complexity (Patients serious, where they need a more intense follow-up offered by the Supplementary Network). Point out the deficit that occurred between 2019 and 2021 of public beds within the Unified Health System to meet the existing demand and compare the results with the recommendation of the Ministry of Health. the reasons for timely access limitations and patient flow management in a scenario that associates prioritization of requests. In a globalized and economically frenetic world, a major event in the health field is currently being experienced, the height of a pandemic called the Coronavirus. Around the world, about xxx cases of infected and xxxxx deaths from COVID-19 were confirmed (data recorded until December/2021), with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) through the Office representing the two institutions in Brazil (POHAS), providing technical support to Brazilians in response to the Coronavirus outbreak. In this context, bed shortages became even more chaotic, necessitating effective hospital management.


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Author Biography

Carlos Claudio Correa Cesar Junior, Christian Business School

Graduado em Gestão Hospitalar pelo Centro Universitário Boa Viagem (2010), Bacharelado em Administração de Empresas (UNINABUCO) 2015. Especialização em Pedagogia Empresarial (UNINABUCO) 2016. Graduado em Ciências Econômicas pela Faculdade de Ciências Humanas Esuda (2017) Mestrando internacional em ciências da administração pela UNIVERSITY Christian Business School. Inicio 2020.1 Atualmente ocupa cargo de Docente nas seguintes instituição: Faculdade de Núcleo de Integração de Profissional; Faculdade Alpha. Tem experiência na área de processos administrativos hospitalares. Docente na disciplina de Administração & Economia com enfase: Ética e Responsabilidade Sócio Ambiental, Consultoria de Planejamento RH e Relações Comerciais, Micro e Macroeconomia, Economia e Mercado, Introdução à Marketing e Negociação de Relações Comercias, Micro e Macro economia, Comercio Exterior, Matemática Financeira, Empreendedorismo

