Motherhood and career during the covid-19 pandemic: the role of organizations in mother’s view




Maternity, Career, Pandemic


During the coronavirus pandemic, difficulties already faced by working mothers to reconcile roles, between career and maternity, increased. In this context, the research objective is the analysis of practices done by associations to retain these women in the labor market and in reconciling motherhood and career, as well as the view of women-mothers on such actions. A qualitative descriptive research was carried out by semi-structured interviews with 9 working mothers from Brasília-DF. Data analysis was done through content analysis. The results show there are few practices of retention and reconciliation during the pandemic, with emphasis on work flexibility and home-office, which helps in reconciling roles, but in the view of women, these practices are still not enough to maintain a healthy routine. Based on the results, a theoretical-deductive model was elaborated, portraying the consequent “role overload” among women mothers during a pandemic.


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Author Biographies

Stephanie Miranda Imbroisi Capone, Centro Universitário de Brasília

Possui graduação em Administração pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília(2020).

Igor Guevara Loyola de Souza, Universidade de Brasília

Doutor em Administração (PPGA-UnB). Professor no Centro Universitário de Brasília (UniCEUB). Membro do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do Centro Universitário de Brasília (CEP/UniCEUB). Representante estadual da Associação Nacional dos cursos de Graduação em Administração (ANGRAD). Project Management Professional (PMP). Consultor nos segmentos de gestão de pessoas, projetos e processos. 

