Use and impacts of water sources in a semi-arid region: a case study in the new assumption settlement in Aracoiaba, Ceará
Geotechnologies, Water resources, Contamination potentialAbstract
Since the dawn of humanity, water has been one of the main resources for sustaining life on Earth. In this perspective, studies on water resources become extremely important, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, where water is limited. In this context, this research aims to evaluate the water sources available in the semiarid region, with a case study in the Novo Assunção settlement in the municipality of Aracoiaba, Ceará. In addition to presenting the main uses and how they impact the quality and quantity of local water. For this research, a questionnaire was applied in order to identify the use of water resources and analyzes in loco for visual identification of potentially polluting and degrading activities. Two water sources were identified in the Settlement, a weir and a river. It was noticed that the land use typologies around the weir, consists of native vegetation, exposed soil and the resource riparian forest. The indicators of soil erosion identified a variation from low to medium vulnerability. In the fluvial segment, the use of water for irrigation of vegetables in beds and animal feed was identified. Four classes of land use and occupation were mapped in the Permanent Protection Area-APP of the river, namely, the swidden area, vegetable area, corral and exposed soil areas. The analyzes in the river water indicated that the parameters Electrical Conductivity (EC), turbidity and Total Dissolved Solids (STD) showed high variations in the potability standards, mainly in point 2.
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